David R. Williams

William G. Allyn Chair of Medical Optics
Professor, The Institute of Optics, Departments of Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering, and Brain & Cognitive Sciences
University of Rochester
Box 319
Rochester, NY 14627
Office: Medical Center G-4107
Telephone: (585) 275-8672
Download CV (PDF)
David R. Williams received his BS from Denison University in 1975, his PhD from the University of California, San Diego in 1979 under the mentorship of Donald I.A. MacLeod, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship at Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill in 1980 with John Krauskopf. He is currently William G. Allyn Professor of Medical Optics in the Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester. From 1991 to 2021, Williams directed Rochester’s Center for Visual Science, an interdisciplinary research program of over 40 faculty investigating the mechanisms of human vision. Awards include Optica’s Edgar G. Tillyer Award (1998), the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology’s Friedenwald Award (2006), the Lighthouse Guild’s Bressler Prize (2007), the Champalimaud Vision Award (2012), election to the National Academy of Sciences (2014), the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Foundation’s Beckman-Argyros Award (2015), and Research to Prevent Blindness’ David F. Weeks Award (2020).
Selected Publications
- Godat T, Kohout K, Parkins K, Yang Q, McGregor JE, Merigan WH, Williams DR, Patterson SS (2024). Cone-Opponent Ganglion Cells in the Primate Fovea Tuned to Non-Cardinal Color Directions. J. Neuroscience 28 March 2024, e1738232024; DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1738-23.2024
- Zhang J, Sabarinathan R, Bubel T, Jia W, Williams DR, Hunter JJ (2024). Spectral Dependence of Light Exposure on Retinal Pigment Epithelium Disruption in Living Primate Retina. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. 2024;65(2):43. https://doi.org/10.1167/iovs.65.2.43
- Williams DR, Burns SA, Miller DT, & Roorda A (2023). Evolution of adaptive optics retinal imaging [Invited]. Biomed. Opt. Express 14, 1307-1338. https://doi.org/10.1364/BOE.485371
- McGregor JE, Kunala K, Xu Z, Murphy P, Godat T, Strazzeri JM, Bateman B, Fischer W, Puthussery T, Williams DR, Merigan WH (2021). Optogenetic therapy restores retinal activity in primate for at least a year following photoreceptor ablation. Molecular Therapy, 1525-0016, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ymthe.2021.09.014. PDF
- Song H, Rossi EA, Williams DR. Reduced foveal cone density in early idiopathic macular telangiectasia. BMJ Open Ophthalmol. 2021;6(1):e000603. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjophth-2020-000603.
- Aboualizadeh E, Phillips MJ, McGregor JE, DiLoreto DA Jr, Strazzeri JM, Dhakal KR, Bateman B, Jager LD, Nilles KL, Stuedemann SA, Ludwig AL, Hunter JJ, Merigan WH, Gamm DM, Williams DR (2020). Imaging Transplanted Photoreceptors in Living Nonhuman Primates with Single-Cell Resolution. Stem Cell Reports. S2213-6711(20)30240-X. doi: 10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.06.019. PDF
- Dhakal KR, Walters S, McGregor JE, Schwarz C, Strazzeri JM, Aboualizadeh E, Bateman B, Huxlin KR, Hunter JJ, Williams DR, Merigan WH (2020). Localized Photoreceptor Ablation Using Femtosecond Pulses Focused With Adaptive Optics. Translational Vision Science & Technology(9), 16. PDF
- Guevara-Torres A, Williams DR, Schallek J (2020). Origin of cell contrast in offset aperture adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy. Optics Letters 45(4), 840-843. PDF
- McGregor JE, Godat T, Dhakal KR, Parkins K, Strazzeri JM, Bateman BA, Fischer WS, Williams DR, Merigan WH (2020). Optogenetic restoration of retinal ganglion cell activity in the living primate. Nature Communications 11(1), 1703. PDF
- Guevara-Torres A, Williams DR, Schallek J (2020). Origin of cell contrast in offset aperture adaptive optics ophthalmoscopy. Optics Letters 45(4), 840-843. PDF
- McGregor JE, Williams DR, Merigan WH (2019). Functional Assessment of Vision Restoration. Adv Exp Med Biol. 1185, 145-149. PDF
- McGregor JE, Yin L, Yang Q, Godat T, Huynh KT, Zhang J, Williams DR, Merigan WH (2018). Functional architecture of the foveola revealed in the living primate. PLoS One 13(11):e0207102. PDF
- Rossi, EA., Granger, CE., Sharma, R., Yang, Q., Saito, K., Schwarz, C., Walters, S., Nozato, K., Zhang, J., Kawakami, T., Fischer, W., Latchney, LR., Hunter, JJ., Chung, MM., Williams, DR. Imaging individual neurons in the retinal ganglion cell layer of the livin
- Rossi EA, Granger CE, Sharma R, Yang Q, Saito K, Schwarz C, Walters S, Nozato K, Zhang J, Kawakami T, Fischer W, Latchney LR, Hunter JJ, Chung MM, & Williams DR (2017). Imaging individual neurons in the retinal ganglion cell layer of the living eye. PNAS. doi:10.1073/pnas.1613445114 PDF
- Sharma R, Williams DR, Palczewska G, Palczewski K, Hunter JJ (2016). Two-Photon Autofluorescence Imaging Reveals Cellular Structures Throughout the Retina of the Living Primate Eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 57(2):632-46. doi: 10.1167/iovs.15-17961. PMID: 26903224 PDF
- Guevara-Torres A, Williams DR, and Schallek JB (2015). Imaging translucent cell bodies in the living mouse retina without contrast agents. Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 2106-2119. PDF
- Zhang J, Yang Q, Saito K, Nozato K, Roorda A, Williams DR, and Rossi EA (2015). An adaptive optics imaging system designed for clinical use: publisher's note. Biomed. Opt. Express 6, 2864-2864. PDF
- Yin L, Masella B, Dalkara D, Zhang J, Flannery JG, Schaffer DV, Williams DR, Merigan WH (2014). Imaging light responses of foveal ganglion cells in the living macaque eye. J Neurosci. ;34(19):6596-605. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4438-13.2014. PDF
- Schallek J., Geng, Y., Nguyen, H., and Williams, D.R. (2013). Morphology and topography of retinal pericytes in the living mouse retina using in vivo adaptive optics imaging and ex vivo characterization. Invest Ophthal Vis Sci. PDF
- Geng, Y., Dubra, A., Yin, L., Merigan, W.H., Sharma, R., Libby, R.T., and Williams, D.R. (2012). Adaptive optics retinal imaging in the living mouse eye. Biomed Opt Express 3(4), 715-734. PDF
- Williams, D.R. (2011). Imaging single cells in the living retina. Vision Research, 51(13):1379-1396. doi: 10.1016. PDF
- Hunter, J.J., Masella, B., Dubra, A., Sharma, R., Yin, L., Merigan, W.H., Palczewska, G., Palczewski, K., Williams, D.R. (2011). Images of photoreceptors in living primate eyes using adaptive optics Two-photon ophthalmoscopy. Biomedical Optics Express. 2(1):139-148. PDF
- Morgan, J.I.W., Dubra, A., Wolfe, R., Merigan, W.H., Williams, D.R. (2009). In vivo autofluorescence imaging of the human and macaque retinal pigment epithelial cell mosaic. IOVS, 50(3), 1350-1359. PDF
- Brainard, D.H., Williams, D.R., Hofer, H. (2008). Trichromatic reconstruction from the interleaved cone mosaic: Bayesian model and the color appearance of small spots. Journal of Vision, 8(5):15,1-23. PDF
- Morgan, J.I.W., Hunter, J.J., Masella, B., Wolfe, R., Gray, D.C., Merigan, W.H., Delori, F.C., Williams, D.R. (2008). Light-Induced Retinal Changes Observed with High-Resolution Autofluorescence Imaging of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium. IOVS, 49(8), 3715-3729. PDF
- Gray, D.C., Wolfe, R., Gee, B.P., Scoles, D., Geng, Y., Masella, B.D., Dubra, A., Luque, S., Williams, D.R., Merigan, W.H. (2008). In vivo imaging of the fine structure of rhodamine labeled macaque retinal ganglion cells. IOVS, 49(1), 467-73. PDF
- Chen, L., Artal, P., Gutierrez, D., Williams, D. R. (2007). Neural compensation for the best aberration correction. Journal of Vision, 7(10), Article 9, 1-9. PDF
- Sabesan, R., Jeong, TM., Cox, I., Williams, D.R., Yoon, GY. (2007). Vision improvement by correcting higher-order aberrations with customized soft contact lenses in keratoconic eyes. Optics Letters, 32(8), 1000-1002. PDF
- Gray, D., Merigan, W., Wolfing, J., Gee, B., Porter, J., Dubra, A., Twietmeyer, T., Ahmad, K., Tumbar, R., Reinholz, F., Williams, D.R. (2006). In vivo fluorescence imaging of primate retinal ganglion cells and retinal pigment epithelial cells. Optics Express, 14(16), 7144-7158. PDF
- Chen, L., Kruger, P., Hofer, H., Singer, B., Williams, D.R. (2006). Accommodation with higher-order monochromatic aberrations corrected with adaptive optics. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 23(1). PDF
- Chen, L., Singer, B., Guirao, A., Porter, J., Williams, D.R. (2005). Image metrics for predicting subjective image quality. Optometry and Vision Science, 82(5), 358-369. PDF
- Putnam, N., Hofer, H., Doble, N., Chen, L., Carroll, J., Williams, D.R. (2005). The locus of fixation and the foveal cone mosaic. Journal of Vision, 0, 1-8. PDF
- Hofer, H., Singer, B., Williams, D.R. (2005). Different sensations from cones with the same photopigment. Journal of Vision, 444-454. PDF
- Hofer, H., Carroll, J., Neitz, J., Neitz, M., Williams, D.R. (2005). Organization of the human trichromatic cone mosaic. J Neurosci., 25(42):9669-9679. PDF
- Yoon, G.Y., MacRae, S., Williams, D.R., Cox, I. (2005). Causes of spherical aberration induced by laser refractive surgery. J. Cataract Refractive Surgery, 31:127-135. PDF
- Carroll, J., Neitz, M., Hofer, H., Neitz, J., Williams, D.R. (2004). Functional photoreceptor loss revealed with adaptive optics: An alternate cause of color blindness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 101(22), 8461-8466. PDF
- Artal, P., Chen, L., Fernandez, E.J., Singer, B., Manzanera, S., Williams, D.R. (2004). Neural compensation for the eye's optical aberrations. JOV, 4, 281-287. PDF
- Roorda, A., Williams, D.R. (2002). Optical fiber properties of individual human cones. Journal of Vision, 2, 404-412. PDF
- Neitz, J., Carroll, J., Yamauchi, Y., Neitz, M., Williams, D.R. (2002). Color Perception is Mediated by a Plastic Neural Mechanism that Remains Adjustable in Adults. Neuron, 35, 783-792. PDF
- Yoon, G.Y., Williams, D.R., (2002). Visual performance after correcting the monochromatic and chromatic aberrations of the eye. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 19(2), 266-275. PDF
- Artal, P., Guirao, A., Berrio, E., Williams, D.R., (2001). Compensation of corneal aberrations by the internal optics in the human eye. Journal of Vision, (R1), 1-8. PDF
- H. Hofer, L. Chen, G. Y. Yoon, B. Singer, Y. Yamauchi, and D. R. Williams, (2001). Improvement in retinal image quality with dynamic correction of the eye's aberrations. Optics Express 8, 631-643. PDF
- Porter, J., Guirao, A., Cox, I., Williams, D.R. (2001). Monochromatic aberrations of the human eye in a large population. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 18(8), 1793-1803. PDF
- Hofer, H., Artal, P., Singer, B., Aragón, J.L., Williams, D.R. (2001). Dynamics of the eye's wave aberration, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 18, 497-506. PDF
- Williams, D.R., Yoon, G.Y., Porter, J., Guirao, A., Hofer, H., Cox, I., (2000). Visual benefit of correcting higher order aberrations of the eye. J. of Refractive Surgery. 16, S554-S559. PDF
- McMahon, M.J., Lankheet, M.J.M., Lennie, P., Williams, D.R.(2000). Fine structure of parvocellular receptive fields in the primate fovea revealed by laser interferometry. J. Neuroscience. 20(5):2043-2053. PDF
- Brainard, D.H., Roorda, A., Yamauchi, Y., Calderone, H.B., Metha, A., Neitz, M., Neitz, J., Williams, D.R., and Jacobs, G.H. (2000). Functional Consequences of the Relative Numbers of L and M Cones. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A. 17, 607-614. PDF
- Roorda, A. and Williams, D.R. (1999). The arrangement of the three cone classes in the living human eye. Nature, 397, 520-522. PDF
- Liang, J., Williams, D.R., and Miller, D.T. (1997). Supernormal vision and high resolution retinal imaging through adaptive optics. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 14, 2884-2892. PDF
- Liang, J. and Williams, D.R. (1997). Aberrations and retinal image quality of the normal human eye. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 14, 2873-2883. PDF
- Miller, D., Williams, D.R., Morris, G.M., and Liang, J. (1996). Images of cone photoreceptors in the living human eye. Vision Res., 36, 1067-1079 PDF
- Williams, D., Sekiguchi, N., Brainard, D. (1993). Color, contrast sensitivity, and the cone mosaic. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 90, 9770-9777. PDF
- Sekiguchi, N., Williams, D.R., Brainard, D.H. (1993). Aberration-free measurements of isoluminant contrast sensitivity. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A., 10, 2105- 2117. PDF
- Packer, O., Williams, D.R. (1992). Blurring by fixational eye movements. Vision Res., 32, 1931-1939. PDF
- MacLeod, D.I.A., Williams, D.R., Makous, W. (1992). A visual nonlinearity fed by single cones. Vision Res., 32, 347-363. PDF
- Williams, D.R. (1988). Topography of the foveal cone mosaic in the living human eye. Vision Res., 28, 433-454. PDF
- Williams, D.R., Coletta, N.J. (1987). Cone spacing and the visual resolution limit. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 4, 1514-1523. PDF
- Krauskopf, J., Williams, D.R., Mandler, M.B., Brown, A.M. (1986). Higher order color mechanisms. Vision Res, 26, 23-32. PDF
- Williams, D.R. (1985). Visibility of interference fringes near the resolution limit. J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 2, 1087-1093. PDF
- Williams, D.R. (1985). Aliasing in human foveal vision. Vision Res., 25, 195-205. PDF
- Hayhoe, M.M., Williams, D.R. (1984). Disappearance of afterimages at 'impossible' locations in space. Perception, 13, 455-459. PDF
- Williams, D.R., Collier, R. (1983). Consequences of spatial sampling by a human photoreceptor mosaic. Science, 221, 385-387. PDF
- Krauskopf, J., Williams, D.R., Heeley, D.W. (1982). Cardinal directions in color space. Vision Res., 22, 1123-1131. PDF
- Williams, D.R., MacLeod, D.I.A., Hayhoe, M.M. (1981a). Punctate sensitivity of the blue sensitive mechanism. Vision Res., 21, 1357-1376. PDF
- Williams, D.R., MacLeod, D.I.A., Hayhoe, M.M. (1981b). Foveal tritanopia. Vision Res., 21, 1341-1356. PDF
- Williams, D.R. (1980). Visual consequences of the foveal pit. Invest. Ophthalmol., 19, 653-667. PDF
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